Breast Cancer

Breast cancer

   Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in North America. its incidence is also very high in western Europe. One in eight women will one day suffer from this disease. In Canada, 22300 women were expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 that 5300 would die.

Breast cancer often manifests itself as a change in the texture of the skin, wrinkling of the skin or discharge of the breast. Early detection with breast self-examination and mammography is without a doubt the best way to increase your chances of surviving breast cancer. since the majority of the masses are discovered by the women during a self-examination. The monthly practice of this exam should be part of the lifestyle of all women . currently, the Canadian cancer society recommends that women undergo a clinical breast examination every two years between the ages of 40 and 49, and a mammogram every year, between the ages of 50 and 69 years. Mammography is a radiographic examination that can detect cancerous tumors that are still too be palpable ( less than 1 cm in diameter). 


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