Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition 

Our bodies are amazing supercomputers that are absolutely capable of healing themselves. But, it is up to YOU to nourish your body to ensure proper functioning and repair of your cells and tissues.

I don’t think we question things enough. Why do we accept a diagnosis from our doctors and go with their plan? They came into the room for the shortest amount of time possible, asked all the wrong questions, barely let us speak and proceeded to think that they know what the best plan of attack is. Bullshit. You are the mind, body, and soul. Only you know what is best. Only you are responsible for getting yourself there. There are individuals such as health coaches, that can guide you through your journey and offer genuine support, but it is still your journey and it is important for you to put faith into knowing what is best.

A good place to start evaluating your wellness is your digestion.

It all begins in the area of your body that would cover an entire tennis court when laid out flat. Your gut is an amazing place that holds 5 pounds of beneficial bacteria and 85% of your immune system. That is a pretty big number. SO, you can assume that if you are having any digestive issues, if you don’t take responsibility to clear these issues up, you are setting yourself up for some very challenging health battles in the future.

So how do you address digestive health? Restoring your gut flora is absolutely key. By restoring the vital, beneficial bacteria of your gut, you will support your immune system and all digestive orders. The specifics on exactly what you should be doing cannot be generalized due to bio-individuality, but a holistic health professional can guide you through this process.

Fermented foods and drinks are essential for restoring gut flora. It is important to ingest these on an empty stomach so they can work their magic without being disrupted by other foods. wait at least 20 minutes before eating other foods. Some examples of foods and drinks that contain beneficial bacteria are kefir (which can be derived from a dairy or dairy-free source), sauerkraut, kimchee, kombucha, miso, and yogurt. And before you begin to dread that expensive trip to Whole Foods and start making excuses, know that you can make these items at home!

A broad spectrum probiotic is essential for optimal digestion, not to mention absolutely CRITICAL, following a round of those antibiotics that you will no longer require once you have gotten your gut flora balanced

Food allergies and sensitivities are other layers of the gut imbalance. The leaky gut syndrome is a very common condition that occurs when the thin lining of your gut is comprised and tiny abrasions allow particles of food into your bloodstream. When your body recognizes your food as an invader, it creates an auto-immune function. This can absolutely be healed, which often results in curing food intolerances and even auto-immune diseases.

By restoring gut flora and removing foods that are not nourishing your body, such as sugar and any foods that you are sensitive to, you can actually reverse damage, regain healthy digestion, support your immune system and actually cure food intolerances so that you will actually be able to safely eat these foods again within moderation.


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