
Showing posts from February, 2019


HIV-AIDS What is it? The HIV-AIDS pandemic, which began in the early 1980s, is one of the most devastating events in modern history in global health. About 35 million people have already died of AIDS; and despite a slow decline, the mortality rate of this disease is currently around one million people per year. The majority of deaths attributable to this disease occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where some 25 million people living with HIV were counted in 2015, and about two-thirds of new infections occur. The term "AIDS" is a common name derived from the acronym "AIDS", which means " acquired immunodeficiency syndrome "; this syndrome refers to the gradual destruction of the immune system by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS is almost universally fatal, but with appropriate treatment, people with HIV do not reach AIDS; some of them can even have a long and healthy life. Some rumors, stories, and assumptions that HIV does no...

Prevention of Alzheimer

The person must take preventive measures to avoid the disease, especially those with a family history of this disease. Prevention includes avoiding and replacing the wrong practices with health, including: Regular and daily exercise, as this will help maintain the activity of the brain and nerves naturally even after reaching a large age, and these sports: jogging, swimming. Energize the brain daily with some mental exercises, reading, writing, thinking, because this will help to renew brain cells and protect them from inactivity and damage. To get a healthy social life, the association of people helps to get busy, and the mind does not surrender to the negative thoughts and boredom that leads to its inactivity, and the mental illness which is a catalyst for Alzheimer's disease. Eat healthy food containing nutrients such as Omega 3, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, healthy and natural fats, and must avoid foods harmful to the mind, which cause him to id...

Anatomy of the Human Head - Bones, Brain, Sensory Organs

Anatomy of the Human Head - Bones, Brain, Sensory Organs Human Skull Bones The figure below shows bones and features of the human skull including the frontal bone, coronal suture, parietal bone, squamous suture, lamboid suture, occipital bone, temporal bone, external acoustic meatus, mastoid process, styloid process, mandible, mental protuberance, maxilla, zygomatic bone, ethmoid bone, lacrimal bone, nasal bone and sphenoid bone. Walkthrough of each bone in the human skull.  and a frontal figure with additional detail: And another side view with additional detail: The Human Brain The figure below shows parts of the human brain with labels including the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, spinal cord, and temporal lobe. And a figure showing some additional features of the human brain: The locations of the pineal gland, hypothalamus, thalamus and pituitary gland are shown below: r67he6...

A brief overview of the immune system

A brief overview of the immune system The immune system protects the body against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune system identifies and attacks a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, while distinguishing them from the body’s own healthy tissue. The Lymphatic system consists of bone marrow, spleen, thymus and lymph nodes.  Bone marrow produces white blood cells or leukocytes. The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body contains white blood cells that fight infection or disease. The thymus is where T-cells mature. T-cells help destroy infected or cancerous cells. Lymph nodes produce and store cells that fight infection and disease. Lymphocytes and leukocytes are small white blood cells that play a large role in defending the body against disease. The two types of lymphocytes are B-cells , which make antibodies that attack bacteria and toxins, and T-cells, which ...

Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition  Our bodies are amazing supercomputers that are absolutely capable of healing themselves. But, it is up to YOU to nourish your body to ensure proper functioning and repair of your cells and tissues. I don’t think we question things enough. Why do we accept a diagnosis from our doctors and go with their plan? They came into the room for the shortest amount of time possible, asked all the wrong questions, barely let us speak and proceeded to think that they know what the best plan of attack is. Bullshit. You are the mind, body, and soul. Only you know what is best. Only you are responsible for getting yourself there. There are individuals such as health coaches, that can guide you through your journey and offer genuine support, but it is still your journey and it is important for you to put faith into knowing what is best. A good place to start evaluating your wellness is your digestion. It all begins in the area of your body that would cover an ...

Avoid some of the Main Brain Damaging Habits

Avoid some of the Main Brain Damaging Habits              In our daily lives we carry out a set of negative habits that affect our health and our minds in particular. Here are some habits that should be avoided. 1. No Breakfast – People who don’t eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. This can lead to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain (and to underperformance in terms of thinking, processing, retrieval and memory skills). 2. Overreacting – This can flood the brain with chemical which interferes with clear thinking, logical analysis and memory. 3. Smoking – This can cause a shrinkage in the brain, and possibly lead to Alzheimer’s disease. 4. High Sugar Consumption – Consuming too much sugar interferes with the absorption of proteins and nutrients. These are essential for healthy brain development. 5. Air Pollution – The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the su...

perfect body

perfect body Losing weight fast and effortless is not just a fairy-tale. Believe us, fat loss is easier than you think. You just need to make some simple lifestyle changes to lose weight fast. Losing weight is easier than you think if you follow these easy tips.  “diet” is a four-letter word. It makes us cringe every time we say it. You’re not “dieting.” You are making wiser choices. Simple changes in your everyday lifestyle can speed up your fat loss process with little to no effort. Take that filthy four-letter word out of your vocabulary and you’ll go far. Avoid those fad diets you see advertised on TV or online. They never work. Sure you might lose a few pounds at first… And very quickly! But they won’t stay off. The second you stop “dieting” the weight will come right back. That’s why it’s all about making “lifestyle” changes. Have you ever noticed that all grocery stores are set up in a similar fashion? You have probably heard the phrase “Shop the perimeter” b...

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in North America. its incidence is also very high in western Europe. One in eight women will one day suffer from this disease. In Canada, 22300 women were expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 that 5300 would die. Breast cancer often manifests itself as a change in the texture of the skin, wrinkling of the skin or discharge of the breast. Early detection with breast self-examination and mammography is without a doubt the best way to increase your chances of surviving breast cancer. since the majority of the masses are discovered by the women during a self-examination. The monthly practice of this exam should be part of the lifestyle of all women . currently, the Canadian cancer society recommends that women undergo a clinical breast examination every two years between the ages of 40 and 49, and a mammogram every year, between the ages of 50 and 69 years....

Observe that your saliva contains an enzyme

Observe that your saliva contains an enzyme: you can reveal the presence of an enzyme, a catalytic protein, in one of your own body fluids, in this case, your saliva. Put a piece of rusk in your mouth, do not swallow it, but turn it over with your tongue several times to soak up saliva. after a while ( about a minute), you will begin to perceive a sweet taste that was not there in the beginning. this is because your saliva contains an enzyme that breaks the bonds of starch into the rusk and releases a sweet disaccharide, maltose . You have just demonstrated that the hydrolysis ( digestion) of starch actually starts in the mouth, well before the food reaches your stomach. To prove that the starch has been degraded by an enzyme and not by an enzyme and not by the aqueous component of your saliva wet another piece of rusk for as long as the first rusk, then put it in your mouth. not that it is not a sweet taste.

parkinson disease

Parkinson disease Parkinson disease, which is 2007 affected 25000 people in Quebec, is an example of basal ganglia disorder that occurs most often in people in their 50s and 60s. It is caused by a degeneration of the neurons of the substance stantia nigra ( gray matter of the cerebral peduncle) that release dopamine . As these neurons deteriorate, the basal nuclei they normally supply with dopamine become hyperactive. Hence the well-known symptoms of the disease. people with resting tremor ( which means shaking of the head and crumbling movements of the fingers). Walk inclined to the front and step dragging, have the expression of the face frozen and experiencing difficulty begin movements or to put their muscles running bradykinesia.  The cause of Parkinson disease is still unknown.  Levodopa( L-DOPA),  which is converted into dopamine in the body, is a drug that relieves some of the symptoms, but it does not cure the disease and loses ...

H1N1 Flu Virus

H1N1 Flu Virus    H1N1 flu is also known as swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who caught it had direct contact with pigs. That changed several years ago when a new virus emerged that spread among people who hadn't been near pigs.     Swine influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease of pigs, caused by one of the several strains of swine influenza A. The virus is spread among pigs by aerosols, through direct and indirect contact, and also by asymptomatic carrier pigs. Swine influenza seen predominantly in the mid-western United States (and occasionally in other states), Mexico, Morocco , Canada, South America, Europe (including UK, Sweden, and Italy), Kenya, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, and other parts of eastern Asia and in various parts of India.      In 2010, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a pandemic. Since then, people have cont...

Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer disease Alzheimer disease is a degenerative disease of the brain that leads to dementia (mental deterioration). Nearly half of the senior housing clientele is made up of ALZHEIMER patients. From 5 % to 15% of the over 65s are affected, and up to 50% of the over 85s die.  In 2007, the number of people affected was estimated at 100,000 in Quebec. The disease is characterized by loss of memory, reduction of the duration of attention, disorientation, in the last stages of the disease, the inability to recognize easygoing people become in some years irritable moody, disoriented, sometimes violent, and end up having hallucinations. The disease Is association with deficiency Acetylcholine and to change structurally the brain, especially in regions governing cognition and memory. The disease seems to have a hereditary component in some cases. Researchers study a protein called (TAU) in the role, similar would link (rails) that are mi...

Huntington chorea

Huntington Chorea        Huntington chorea affects 1 in 10,000 people in Canada. It is a hereditary condition that usually occurs at middle age, the normal gene is responsible for an abnormality in the structure of a protein, HUNTINGTIN . this anomaly causes degeneration of the basal nuclei, then of the cerebral cortex. in the beginning, the disease is often characterized by disordered, JERKY , and almost continuous movements, the amplitude of which increases with time. contrary to appearances, the abnormal movement is involuntary. in its later phases, chorea ( from a Greek word meaning dance) Huntington cause damage mental pronounced. the disease is progressive and death occurs within 15 years after the onset of symptoms.        the signs and symptoms of Huntington Chorea are the opposite of those of Parkinson disease ( over-stimulation) and are usually treated with blocking medications. effects of dopamine. we can see how neurot...